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Denise Pinkston has been brainstorming on paper -- and in her mind -- more ways to create affordable housing ever since she realized state laws for decades made it nearly impossible to build accessory dwelling units, also known as ADUs.
"There was hardly any zoning where you could have an ADU. As a result, no one could get a building permit," said Pinkston.
Early in her career, Pinkston worked in local government planning for Marin County, enforcing building codes.
"It broke my heart to go to places like Bolinas and West Marin and force a homeowner who needed that income stream to evict a tenant," said Pinkston.
Pinkston left her role and co-founded the Casita Coalition, a non-profit that led the charge to change state laws in 2017, making it easier for homeowners to build ADUs.
While permitting eased, there are still tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, unpermitted dwellings in homes across the Bay Area, according to housing experts.
The city of Berkeley is hoping to remedy that by launching an amnesty program that will give homeowners of unpermitted ADUs a path to make them legal.
"By creating a pathway that makes it easier and more affordable to get that unit rented, we could potentially be adding a number of new housing units to the rental market," said Jordan Klein, Berkeley's Director of Planning and Development.
Klein says the program would bring more cost-effective rental units to Berkeley's high-cost housing market in a safe manner.
"It's important that we make sure that every housing unit is safe and habitable," said Klein.
"In a housing crisis that is epic and decades old, this is a small, incremental, easy step that allows people to do what they're doing anyway, but do it safely and legally," said Pinkston.
The four-year pilot program assures homeowners the process will be confidential and no penalties will be assessed on the previously undocumented apartments.
"When our laws say all those illegal ADUs you have are illegal and you're a bad homeowner if you continue to keep your tenant, it's time to update that," said Pinkston.
For Pinkston, it's the kind of work that is now much more than a sketch and idea, to address California's housing crisis.
Berkeley officials say to qualify, the unit must have been built or converted before 2020. They add the city is uncertain how many unpermitted ADUs exist within the city, but acknowledge it could be in the thousands.
A study by researchers at Stanford University determined that for every legal accessory dwelling unit built in San Jose between 2016 and 2020, there were three-to-four "informal" or unpermitted ADUs built.