Benjamin Kochalski

Benjamin Kochalski, Regional Partner, joined TMG in 2019, and heads the firm's newly-opened Silicon Valley office. His responsibilities include establishing the investment strategy for the SV office, leading all acquisitions and dispositions, while supporting the firm’s development activities, within the South Bay, and is a member of TMG's Investment Committee.
Prior to TMG, Ben was principal and director of John Buck Company's JBC West division. Since opening the San Francisco office of the John Buck Company in 2011, he managed and grew it while leading high profile projects such as Park Tower and One Steuart Lane. During his time at The John Buck Company he was responsible for over $2.7 billion of acquisitions and dispositions and his responsibilities included implementation of investment strategy, oversight and coordination of the West Coast investment activities, joint venture structuring, and the origination of new investment opportunities for the firm’s West Coast regional office.
After graduating from The Ohio State University with a Bachelor of Applied Science (BASc) in Civil Engineering, he completed his MBA in Real Estate Management, Finance, Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management. He resides in the Bay Area with his wife and three children.
Silicon Valley Joint Venture – Board Member
Urban Land Institute – UDMUC Gold Member
Make a Wish Foundation – Board Member, Real Estate Division

Michael A. Covarrubias
Chairman and
Co-Chief Executive Officer

Matt Field
Co-Chief Executive Officer

Lynn Tolin
Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer

Kevin McLean
Chief Financial Officer

Scott C. Verges
General Counsel
Executive Vice President

Benjamin Kochalski
Regional Partner

Daniel E. Siri
Managing Director of Tax

Denise Pinkston
Managing Director of Land Use and Policy

Ken Dupee
Managing Director of Development

Peter Weltchek
Managing Director of Finance

Cathy Greenwold
Senior Advisor